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Background of the Study

A man can be born again; the springs of life can be cleansed instantly...if this is true

of one it can be true of any number. Thus a nation can be born in a day if the ideals

of the people can be changed [William Jennings Bryan].

Nigeria is one of the Countries in Africa that loses billions of dollars yearly because

of corruption. She was ranked the second most corrupt country in the world in 2004

[Olu-Olu 2008]. In 2005 and 2008 Nigeria was ranked 13


and 17



out of 146 countries by Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index

[TICPI]. Although the 2007 ranking placed Nigeria as the 32


most corrupt country

out of 147 countries by TICPI corruption still remains a serious problem in Nigeria

[Shehu 2006].

Corruption is a “multifaceted phenomenon with multiple causes and effects”

[Andvig and fjeldstad 2001: 1]. It is a trinity of illegal money commercial and

criminal activities [Baker 2005; Guanardi 2008]. According to section 8(1) of the

Anti-Corruption Law of Nigeria (2004) it entails the act of asking for receiving or

obtaining any property or benefit of any kind for oneself or for any other person. It

involves the abuse of public office for self-aggrandizement or private benefits

[World Bank 1997].

The term “corruption” covers a wide range of conduct patterns. It is a product of the

socio-economic and political structure of any society. As a multi-faceted

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phenomenon no single theory is equipped enough to explain its causation and/or


Corruption is not a Nigerian Word. It is an English Word. While corruption is an

English word necessarily laced with western ideas the concept behind it is found in

other cultures. Corruption is one of the dare devils that stares humanity in the

face. It is also a global problem with certain destructive tendencies in the Third

World Countries like Nigeria. But the rate of corruption in Nigeria is so alarming

that one is constrained to ask: Is there anything peculiar to the nature of Nigerians

that makes them to be corrupt? Achebe [1983: 35] quoting from the weekly star

newspaper of May 15 1983 wrote that the corrupt nature of the Nigerian society is

such that keeping an average Nigerian from being corrupt is like keeping a goat

from eating yam.

Corruption serves as a spring board to under-development in Nigeria. Most

economic political and social problems in underdeveloped societies like Nigeria

emanate from corruption which manifest in many ways such as: lack of

accountability inadequate funding of programs diversion of public resources to

private ownership different types of discriminations ethnicity lack of competence

inefficiency etc.

The problem of corruption as a phenomenon is historically rooted in the country’s

political economy. In the colonial period it was attributed to colonialism.

Although the government has embarked upon anti-corruption measures these

are not sincerely and properly implemented such that the expected objectives and

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goal are not achieved. The problem is thus rather aggravated. Consequently

corruption has continued to perpetuate underdevelopment in Nigeria. Many factors

seem to have combined to make the situation severe or worse than the case in the

colonial era. Firstly Achebe (1983: 1) fascinatingly explained that:

The trouble with Nigeria is simply and squarely a failure of Leadership. There is

nothing basically wrong with the Nigeria land and climate or water or air or

anything else the Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to

rise to the responsibility or to challenge of personal examples which are hallmarks

of true leadership.

There is also a common belief that poverty is one of the major causes of corruption.

Here it is argued that there exists a great deal of poverty among Nigerians in almost

every segment of their social life. In Nigeria today it is just a few families that can

boast of three square meals a day wear good clothes or enjoy the basic necessities

of life such as water good road network and electricity. Hence everyone takes to

corruption no matter one’s own small capacity as a way of making up or balancing

the prevalent inequalities. It is also equally true that corruption is due to the

degeneration and shaky foundations of our moral upbringing.

Corruption transcends nearly every structure of Nigerian society. The

situation is so bad that corruption has been institutionalized to a point where it

almost passes for official policy in both public and private sectors of our national

life. The socio-economic and political system itself appears to be built on corruption

and it thrives on it. Even the churches and other religious organizations are

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themselves not completely free of corrupt practices.

This study attempts to assess the impact of corruption in Nigeria’s

development with a view to suggesting alternative approach of tackling the


• Statement of Problem

One of the most fundamental problems facing Nigeria today is corruption.

The corruption has not only weakened the moral fiber of Nigeria it has also

wreaked havoc in its body politics. Corruption in Nigeria is so devastating and

alarming that it has virtually affected every sector of the economy.

Consequently it is obvious that corruption has been a major bane of socio-

economic and political development in Nigeria. This leads to the following

questions on which the research is based.

• Is corruption responsible for Nigeria’s underdevelopment?

• Is the persistence of corruption in Nigeria linked to external factors?

• Can deregulation curb the menace of corruption and engender development in


Corruption has affected many sectors of the economy. For instance Nigeria

presents a typical care of a Country in Africa whose development has been

undermined and retarded by the menace of corrupt practices.

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To say that corruption has eaten deep into every aspect of the Nigerian

Society is to affirm the obvious. This can be inferred from the revelations of probe

panels that have been set up at different times by different regime.

In Nigeria since independence series of reforms have been carried out in the public

service so as to make the public bureaucracy more efficient and result oriented.

However the anticipated gains of such reforms have not been visible due to series of

factors which include that of corruption.

Whichever way one views corruption particularly bureaucratic corruption it

involves a violation of public duty or deviation from high moral standards in

exchange for [or in anticipation of] personal pecuniary going. It is connected with

moral and dishonest acts. Gould D.J cited in identified more than twenty categories

of corrupt practices in developing nations which are very much visible in Nigeria

State. These are bribery fraudulent use of official stationary payment for office

visit payment for letter of recommendation kickback for wiring money travel

documents and travel related peccadilloes misuse of official housing two salaries

neglect of public service for per tonal business salary computation fraud

embezzlement in its various form among other.

Corruption in the bureaucratic class is the type of corruption the citizens

encounter daily at places like the hospitals schools local counseling offices

encounters with the police taking offices etc. it is petty corruption of need that

occurs when one obtains a business from the public sector through inappropriate


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However corruption in the bureaucratic class in Nigeria came into being

when public servant not steamed in the traditions of a political professionalism saw

how politicians who hitherto were nothing became rich overnight through

patronages gift bribes and actual embezzlement of government funds. It was only a

matter of time before the bureaucrats joined them.

In Nigeria’s fourth republic corruption has become a Norm and practice of

politics among the present political class [i.e. those that control the affairs of the

state] from the presidency of the councilors of local authorities and party chairman.

The furniture mentality which this political class brought to governance represents

the highest form of corruption and enslavement of the popular masses of the


Political corruption in Nigeria encompasses the use of official power and

government resources by the political class for sordid and disrepute private gain.

Indeed political corruption could be said to be the “head” and other forms of

corruption are the “body” cut of the head; the other parts could cease to grow.

Nigeria’s main development problem is political corruption which needs to be


Accurately it can be asserted that it is the duty and responsibility of every

good government to create their environment and set the tone for good and effective

policies including conducive business environment protection of persons and

properties etc. in any society or country. The Nigeria government has been blamed

properly. So for not setting a conducive environment economic and social

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development over the years particularly at this time when public security and

safety has steadily become a major issue for citizens and corporate investors alike.

Corruption additionally has become a hot topic among citizens and investors

both apparently risen due in part to a battered and depressed economy and since

the discussion or debate regarding corruption has tended to be focused or centered

around the government or public sector component of the hydra-head corruption

monster. This is so even though corruption levels or magnitude is not much

different in the private sector.

But is quite another thing and pretend that corruption in Nigeria is localized

to public officers and public office-holders sellers of adulterated kerosene are

practicing unethical business methods and even a criminal enterprise ditto for the

groundnut seller who cheats you out of more groundnut because he uses a crooked

cup-measure it is corruption practices when banks and other financial institutions

charge outrageous interest rates refuse to grant loans to legitimate business people

and companies for capacity building but grant loans to the well-connected and

those willing to wet- the ground but would never payback the loans.

Government has brought ways of combating corruption through some crude

in Nigeria. The provisions are laid down in the constitution of federal republic of

Nigeria. These include the criminal code probe panels and commissions the anti-

corruption tribunal the anti-corruption acts and War against Indiscipline and

Corruption Conduct of Bureau Independent Corrupt Practices and other related

offence commission etcetera.

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In December 31 1983 Gen. Muhammadu Buhari became the 7


Head of

State in Nigeria selected to lead the country by middle and high ranking military

officers after a successful coup d’état that overthrew civilian president Shehu

Shagari on December 31 1983. Buhari justified the military’s seizure of power by

castigating the civilian government as hopelessly corrupt and this administration

subsequently initiated a public campaign against indiscipline known as “War against

Indiscipline” [WAI]. Aspects of this campaign include public humiliation of civil

servants who arrived late for work whilst guards were armed with whips to ensure

orderly queues a bus stop. He also moved to silence critics of this administration

passing decrees curbing press freedoms and allowing for opponents to be detained

up to three months without formal charges. He also banned strikes and lockouts by

workers and founded Nigeria’s first secrete police force the national security

organization. This policy was a bit affective as it curbs Nigeria’s indiscipline for a

while until Ibrahim Babangida Badamasi succeeded him in August 27 1985.

Public office is a trust which should not be abused. This necessitated the

establishment of the code of conduct Bureau and Tribunal act chapter 56 LFN 1990

which gave the bureau the mandate to establish and maintain a high standard of

public morality in the conduct of government business and to ensure that the actions

and behavior of public officers conform to the highest standard of public morality

and accountability [Federal Republic 2002].

The Bureau has through its enlightenment programs enable the people to know what

is expected of them and to an extent inflamed feat in the minds of some public

officers as against corruption practices. Though they have not achieved expected

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result hence ICPC [Independent Corruption Practices and other related offense

Commission] was established.

ICPC [Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offence commission]

was inaugurated on September 29 2002 by the Nigeria president Olusegun

Obasanjo. The ICPC mandate is to prohibit and prescribe punishment for corrupt

practices and other related offences.

This anti-corruption commission was eventually passed and signed into law

on the 13


of June 2000. The Act established the Independent Corrupt Practices and

other related offences Commission [ICPC] with Justice Mustapha Akambin a

returned federal appeal court judge as the chairman and the act in section 3 [4]

providing from the independence of the commission and gives the chair authority to

issue orders for the controls and general administration of the commission.

Since the inauguration of the ICPC in 2000 the commission however has

been performing its duties with great zeal and dedication despite it perennial

insufficient funds and manpower. These problems have also been made worse by

the citizens who also are disgusted and devastated by corruption but have greeted

the ICPC with outright hostility suspicions and disbelief. Also they face the

problem of slow judicial process and rigid procedures and National Assembly

incompetence. For instance it took National Assembly nearly one year to pass the

ICPC Bill into law and this has been the case of other ICPC issues in National


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An important institution that was put in place by Obasanjo’s administration is

the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission [EFCC]. The agency was set up in

2002 to tackle financial crimes including fraud and money laundering. Money

laundering is a criminal process whereby the proceeds from crimes are hidden and

the integrated into the financial system as legitimately acquired funds.

The EFCC act was a major departure from the past enabling laws fighting economic

and financial crimes in Nigeria: in terms of powers functions and responsibility.

Some problems emanated in the activities of EFCC. These problems are quite

enormous and influential that it has impeded its great success. The crusade is Punic

in nature and as a result orchestrated by the politically exposed persons [PEPs] to

the settling of political scores. For instance it was allegedly noted that the

commission under Ribadu’s chairmanship the beamed it search light on the political

foes of the former president Obasanjo. Hence the commission suffers politization.

Also EFCC can rarely exercise the fall Wrath of the Law on these political readers

because the law allows them to claim “political community”. Hence they serve only

as prosecutors of crime negating the mandate of crime prevention.Government

interference and the slow nature of judicial procedures also militates their activities.

It could be observed that the several crusade made by the government in order

curb corruption in the Nigeria Society has not been effective. More so the EFCC

and ICPC are not independent they are been controlled by the executives

and these have been a major hindrance in the fight against corruption in Nigeria.

Making corruption history is the surest way of making all the problems of Nigeria a


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• Objective of the Study

The major concern of this study is to investigate how the growing incidence

of corruption has stunned underdevelopment in Nigeria. However the specific

objectives are stated as follows;

• To discover if corruption is responsible for Nigeria’s underdevelopment.

• To ascertain if the persistence of corruption in Nigeria is linked to external


• To determine if the deregulation policy is capable of curbing the menace of

corruption in Nigeria.

• Significance of the Study

The study has two basic significances. They are both practical and theoretical in

nature. Practically this research work will be a guide to policy makers economists

political analysts policy implementers and researchers. In other words it will serve

as a tool for the government and private organizations on how to curb and prevent

corrupt practices and engender development in Nigeria.

Theoretically the study will close the existing gap in the literature in corruption and

by so doing; add to the existing volume of knowledge on the connection between

corruption and underdevelopment and how it can be curbed.

• Literature Review

In order to justify the objectives of the study it will be necessary to review the

works of other scholars in the field of study since such a review will provide us with

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adequate background. It is through such a review that we will be able to diagnose

the short comings of previous studies and the way in which the present study will

help in providing solutions to the problems.

Ebenezer [1986] in his book Corruption in a Neo-Colonial State: The

Nigerian Experience tried to pose the question—what causes corruption and why

various policies that are against corruption in Nigeria have failed? In his answer he

maintains that our leaders failed to comprehend the real causes of corruption. He

emphasized that “corruption is a clear cut product of neo colonization which bases

its economic program on the capitalist form of development”. Stretching further he

examined the efforts of past administrations to bring to an end the act of corruption

and explained why they were defective. According to him they failed because

corruption is often a symptom of deeper difficulties in the societies where it is

prevalent and usually operates within the broader context of other social problems.

The writer’s [Michael Johnston] argument is fraught with same problems.

One of the problems is being that he was unable to highlight these deeper difficulties

which he sees as symptoms of corruption. Hence corruption is associated with slow

economic growth reduced investment and feeble property and contract rights

ineffective institutions limited social interaction and weak rule of law poor

economic competitiveness deep ethnic divisions and conflicts low popular

participation in politics weak protection of civil liberties low educational

attainment and closed economic and political systems. In other words corruption is

pervasive in underdeveloped societies and there is hardly any effective means of

combating the cankerworm.

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Okadigbo [2000] stated that:

“When a regional leader is at the helm of a nation’s affairs where loyalty to an

ethnic group supersedes national loyalty where the national treasure chest is seen as

the body of the conqueror at Lagos when the winner takes all or want to take all

without apology and without remorse. When the citizens are careless about how

wealth is acquired but cares more whether the conditions of political economy of the

state are complete corruption becomes the order of the day from top to bottom and

from bottom to top”.

This implies that in Nigeria the phenomenon of corruption must be subjected to

more intensive analysis as Nigerians bye and large ask less of what is stolen but

more of who stole and from where he comes. It is by discovering the much that was

stolen squandered mismanaged or siphoned abroad that the citizens would begin to

appreciate the link between corruption and underdevelopment as those resources

that were frittered away would have been able to stimulate the economy and

engender socio-economic and political development of the country. What is

underdevelopment? Many scholars have given different meaning to the concept. To

Rodney [1972] underdevelopment results from unequal interaction between two

societies. The more this unequal relationship lasts the more the backwardness of the

less privileged ones. In other words development is a sign that the developed and

underdeveloped societies came into contact when they were in different levels.

He further said that if the underprivileged society hopes that they can make ways in

this type of relationship then it is deceiving itself. The poverty of the less privileged

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one is the development of the other. This situation will be worsening as far as the

relationship continues. He gave example of the European capitalism and the

indigenous hunting societies of America and the Caribbean. He said that the contact

between the two nearly exterminated the later. This can be applicable in what is

happening in the capitalist society today this is a warning that as far as the

relationship lasts the third world countries will not make any breakthrough to

industrialization. From experience it could be seen that the situation is worsening

instead of improving. He uses Soviet Union China and Korea as the concrete

instance of the operation of this rule. He said that these countries were nearly

exterminated when they came into contact with the more mature capitalism of the

western Europe and that these societies advanced to their present state of

development because they succeeded these relationship with the capitalist world and

followed a new path altogether. He went further to conclude by saying that “indeed

as far as the two biggest socialist states are concerned [the former Soviet Union and

China] socialist development has already catapulted them beyond states such as

Britain and France which have been following the capitalist path for centuries.

Rodney [1972] catalogued the disadvantages that go with the unequal

relationship with the advanced countries. He mentioned poverty stagnation greed

etc. and traced the present predicament of Africa to the time it came into contact

with the advanced countries. In the 15


century this contact gave birth to the

underdevelopment of Africa today. This in this view is why Africa has continued to

stagnate and Europe continues to develop. In other words before this contact Africa

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has been developing on their own pace but this was truncated since its contact with

the capitalist world. Rodney concluded by delinking from this relationship and the

adoption of socialist mode of production in line with the Soviet Union and the

Republic of China. He based his argument on the fact that socialism aims at and has

significantly achieved the creation of plenty so that the principle of egalitarian

distribution becomes consistent with the satisfaction of the needs of the members of

the society. To him when this is achieved the workers and the peasants will control

the economy and the exploitation and misery will end. What Rodney [1972] has

said is what is really happening to Africa today. I strongly share his view of

severing the relationship from the two advance capitalist countries though he did

not tell us of the consequences of this option and how to avoid it or the palliatives to

cushion the effect of delinking.

Ake [1981] in his Political Economy of Africa dwelt extensively on the

contemporary features of African economy and how they might be changed in the

future. He traced the history of Africa from the colonial period to the neo-colonial

period. He also dwelt extensively on the strategies which the national leaders have

adopted to engineer development but these strategies failed to work because of the

international atmosphere which make the plan unrealistic. In his opinion “more

often than not the plan is really not a strategy for development but an aggregation of

projects and policies which may sometimes be incompatible”. He agreed that the

underdevelopment of Africa is as a result of its long contact with capitalism and

pointed out that the national bourgeoisie contributes a lot to the underdevelopment

of Africa through their connivance with the international bourgeoisies by applying

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wrong and incompatible policies. He went further than Rodney [1972] and Fanon

[1961] to show the conditions that led to the emergence of the petty bourgeoisie the

instrument of this accumulation and the national post-colonial state.

According to him the post-colonial state involves itself in the class struggle.

That is to say that the state was highly politicized. The state is highly developed and

acts as an instrument of wealth accumulation and naturally results in a bitter

struggle to gain control of it. A critical focus of this struggle is the control of

government which is the formal access to state power. Thus in Africa those in

office do all they can to perpetuate their hold on it and those out of office do all

they can to get it. There is hardly any restraint to struggle because the boundary

between the state and the ruling class is blurred. The implication of this according to

him “is a crudely oppressive class rule because the state and government are too

involved in the class struggle and because of the high premium placed on political

power this to him is what makes political power in Africa to be highly authoritarian

as the hegemonic faction of the bourgeoisie adopts a siege mentality”.

Fortunately the tendency to accumulate through the use of state power rather

than through productive activities makes post-colonial capitalism less conducive to

the development of productive forces and the increase of surplus. In conclusion he

recommended socialism but went on to say that the state of the productive forces in

Africa will be detrimental to the attainment of socialism. He also mentioned the

interaction of the external forces as an obstacle to socialism but said that “in the

long run objective conditions are more likely to move Africa to socialism”.

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Fanon [1961] argued that Europe is literally the creation of the third world.

The wealth were accumulated is that which stolen from the underdeveloped people.

“He went as far as saying that we should not tremble with gratitude when any help

comes from Europe. He says this should be the ratification of a double realization:

the realization by the colonized people that it is there due and the realization by the

capitalist power that in fact they must pay”. What Fanon [1961] is basically saying

is that Africans should realize that Europe was created by them and therefore should

disregard anything that comes from them in the name of gifts or aid. Fanon [1961]

enumerated the criminal activities of the colonialists in their robbery adventure in

Africa. These include deportations massacre forced labor and slavery.

These are the methods that capitalism used to increase its wealth its gold or

diamond resources and establish its power. He said that violence was their main

instrument of accumulation. He mentioned in detail how the European activities

undermined the development of Africans both mentally and physically through the

imposition of western culture.

He further castigated the indigenous bourgeoisie for their activities which is

instrumental to the internal weakness of the colonized. He said this traditional

weakness which is almost congenital to the national consciousness of

underdeveloped countries is not solely the result of the mutilation of the colonized

people by the result of the colonial regime. It is also the result of the intellectual

laziness of the national middle class of its spiritual penury and of profoundly

cosmopolitan mould that its mind is set in. According to him this bourgeois class

who took over from the colonialist had little or nothing before they came into

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power. At the attainment of independence they engaged in the accumulation of

capital to the neglect of the masses that stood behind them during the time of

struggle for independence. Instead of investing in productive ventures they prefer to

invest in the one that will yield quick money. Hence he succinctly remarked. “The

landed bourgeoisie refuses to take the slightest risks and remained opposed to any

ventures and to any hazard it has no intention of building upon sand it demands

solid investments and quick returns. On the other hand large sums of money were

spent on display on cars country house and all those things which has been correctly

described by economists as characteristics of an underdeveloped country.

Fanon [1961] after condemning bourgeoisie’s activities recommended that it

should not be allowed to find the conditions necessary for its existence and growth.

In other words the combined effort of the masses led by a party and intellectuals

who are highly conscious and armed with revolutionary principles ought to bear the

way to the elimination of this unuseful and harmful middle class. He also

recommended the complete obliteration of the type of business to which this group

of people engage in. Finally he advised the underdeveloped countries not to imitate

the European way of life and not to expect anything from them but to try and

fashion out new life for the entire people of the underdeveloped society and

recommended socialism if possible by violence because in his exact words: Every

generalization must out of relative obscurity discover its mission fulfill it or betray

it. Effiong [1980] and Nwankwo [1981] dwelt extensively on the nefarious activities

of the multinational corporations [MNCs] in Nigeria but unlike of Effiong [1980]

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Nwankwo recommends outright nationalization of these companies. He enumerated

the visible activities of the multinationals which include:

• Monopolization of the means of production.

• The repatriation of profits etc.

On the invisible activities of MNCs he says that they engage in transfer pricing and

over-invoicing. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the

multinationals he concluded that their disadvantages outweighed the advantages

and therefore argues that the contributions of these corporations are at best illusory.

All scholars so far reviewed are basically saying the same thing but from different

angles. This boils down to the conclusion that the underdevelopment of the third

world countries in general and Nigeria in particular is due to the integration of their

economy into the capitalist system.

Corruption and corrupt practice in all its ramification cannot succeed or thrive

without the connivance of the international bourgeoisie who provide a safe haven

for loot public fund in a various home countries for instance when Gary Foxcroft

and Sam Itauma produced the documentary entitled: “Saving Africans witch

Children aired on the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC and channel 4 of the

United kingdom three years ago the whole world was outraged. The outrage was

as a result of the cruelty meted on children who were accused of being witcher. As

a result many individuals corporate bodies nations and governments took decisive

actions to curb the trend and doled out money to Foxcroft and Itauma organization

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to assist the kids. But unknown to many donors Foxcroft and Itauma where

scammers who were abusing the opportunities and goodwill provided by

the documentary to line their pockets. Sally the duo has turned the misfortune of

the children into a fortune making business amassing wealth from unsuspecting

donors under the guise of helping the ‘child witches’. None of the kids have

sufficiently benefited from then funds as they are being kept in a very particular

condition .so far they have collected over £10million pounds (₦2.6 billion)

documentary available to news watch shows that between November 2008

exactly after two days after the documentary was first aired in London and April

2009 .fox croft and his accomplice had collected £25638 British pounds or ₦68.2

million from donations made online through his website WWW.

stepping stone Nigeria on behalf of the stepping stone Nigeria SSN and his

nongovernmental organization NGO supposedly for the upkeep of children in

Akwa Ibom state .records also shows that the amount realized within 6month

after the discovery was shown in UK was above their project target of £20000

pounds or ₦5.08 million.

By September 2009 fox croft’s stepping stone Nigeria whose UK

headquarters is at 24 St Leonard’s house Leonard’s gate. Gate Lancaster had

raked in 1.5 million equivalent to 381 million in donation for the purpose of

financing the kids in Ituama’s child rehabilitations network CRAR centre in Eket

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When Foxcroft appeared on channel 4 on November 16 2009 he claimed that the

total amount he had received as at then was £200000 pounds out of which he

remained £72000 pounds CRARN for the upkeep of the children but there was no

record to show that. But news watch learnt that Itauma was not even aware of the

£20000 pounds. Akwa ibom state government donated to stepping stone in 2006

during the administration of the former governor victor Attah and Foxcroft claimed

to have used in building a hostel and accommodation for the kids in the CRARN

centre again without the knowledge of Itauma Foxcraft took two staff from

CRARN to establish a parallel organization like CRARN which he called stepping

stone Nigeria child empowerment foundation .SSNCEF. With the help of Leo Igwe

executive director of the Nigerian humanist movement and secretary of the atheist

in Nigeria he has able to gather some indigent children which he quartered and

abandoned qua river hotel and the Ekets sport stadium. Unlike the children of

CRARN centre; the children at qua river hotel which stepping stone claimed to have

being taken care of were in very pitiable condition before government came to

their rescue. the cold between Foxcroft and Itauma which is said to revolve around

accountability of funds was exposed at February 182011when the Briton

terminated his partnership with the CRARN .he claimed that he took the decision

himself because of their unwillingness to uphold internationally held standard in

child protection accountability and transparency. Foxcroft decision did not go

down well with Itauma and his reaction exposed the fact that Foxcroft activities

were not in tandem with their agreement.

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According to Itauma their agreement stipulated that each party should give

a three months notice before pulling out of a partnership. But Foxcroft breached

that agreement. Itauma also disclosed that fox croft had stop assisting the centre

long before his decision to severe ties with him Perhaps worried that his scam has

been croft recently placed a paid advertorial in a national daily in

Nigeria to counter the allegation of fraud leveled against him by Akwa ibom

government.In that advertorial signed by felicities Holman chair of trustees

stepping stones which was published in august 6 2011 edition of the nation the

fox croft admitted that his organization received a total of £1.338millon pounds or

₦334.5 million in the past three year (2009-2011) and claimed to have spent 1.057

million pounds translating to more than 300million on project to improve the lives

of Nigeria children. He stated that the remaining funds are kept in their charity

bank account for continued support of their partner in Nigeria.Ongoing it also said

its model school had been funding 121 scholarship places at the school for indigent

students; that it sunk two boreholes at its neighbour model school: 40 children

since 2010; that it has trained a total of 1145 teachers from government school to

fast track literacy method known as jolly phonies and equally used the funds to

provide 40000 workbook free for its pupils and handbook to 1145 teachers in

participating schools.The bogus claimed by stepping stones has further helped to

strengthen the fact available that fox croft is a fraudster news watch investigation

have revealed that all what stepping stone Nigerian claimed to have done with

the money he collected was false.

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For instance SSN said it realized a total of £1.338 million pounds or ₦334.5

million out of which it claimed to have spent £1.057 million pounds or ₦264.25

million for projects and overheads but news watch gathered that between 2008

and 2011 SSN had realized more than three million pounds and to date the

amount it remitted to CRARN is not up to £60000 pounds.

He claims that 50 percent of the pupils attending the school are provided with

scholarship which also takes care of books and uniform of the pupils on

scholarship he said that 25 percent of them are orphans .but news watch

investigation have proved otherwise .the school is just like a normal private school

without any scholarship scheme in place for orphan.

The act prohibits child labour which it includes hawking using a child to beg for

alms domestic labour and child trafficking. It also prescribes an imprisonment term

of 10 to 15 years for anyone accusing a child of witchcraft.The judicial panel

instituted by Akpabio on November 22 2010 to investigate the extent of child

witchcraft and related child abuse was another positive measure aimed at checking

child abuse in the state. The panel was setup to investigate the Fraudulent

activities of Foxcraft and Itauma who are currently on the wanted list by the

government. One of the recommendations of the panel was that the state

government should curb the activities of the NGOs like stepping stones Nigeria and

child rehabilitation network. The panel also recommended that effort should be

made to recover all the money collected by Fox croft and Itauma on behalf of the

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children at Itauma home and other such child center. It was on the strength of the

panel’s recommendation that the CRARN CENTRE was sealed off and the children

evacuated to government rehabilitation home in Uyo.

But how did Foxcroft and Itauma meet to plot the scam? Investigation revealed

that Foxcroft came to Nigeria in 2003 to research on oil industry in Mobil

Producing Nigeria Eket as part of the thesis for his Master’s degree programmed

under the University of Uyo and University of Lancaster student linkage

programmed. While in Eket he lodged at Royalty Hotel along Eket Oron Road and

was later evicted from the hotel when he could no longer pay the bill. It was during

his sojourn in Eket that he met Itauma ho intimated him on the plight of the

children. Not long after their meeting they came up with the idea to do a

documentary on the plight of the children. In their thinking and rightly so doing a

documentary would not only project the good works of Itauma which was hitherto

unknown o many outside Eket local government area of Akwa Ibom state and

environs it would bring in financial support from Nigeria and the international


So Foxcroft had to go back to the UK to facilitate the production of the

documentary. As at that time he had no money to even reconfirm his flight ticket

back to the UK. New swatch gathered that it as Itauma and his group that provided

the money for his ticket. While in Britain he developed the concept but lacked

financial backing to carry on. So he sold the documentary idea to Red

Label films owned by the trio of Mag Garvans

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Tracy McVeigh and Hoost Van Der Valk. Garvans then co-opted Marvin Tracey of

the London Guardian of the UK and Sophia Okonedo a Jewish born Nigerian

journalist and mobilized them for the Akwa Ibom documentary.

• Theoretical Framework

Having carefully and painstakingly reviewed the topic of the study it became

imminently imperative that a theoretical framework must be adopted which will

serve as a guide in describing analyzing interpreting and predicting phenomenon.

This theoretical guide will also serve as an arbiter in legitimizing the review.

Therefore the dependency Theory has been chosen as a theoretical frame to guide

this study.

According to Dos Santos [1979] “dependency relates to a situation which the

economy of certain countries is conditioned by the development and expansion of

the other to which the former is subjected. The relation of inter-dependence between

two or more economies and between these and the world trade assumes the form of

dependence when some countries-the dominant ones which are the capitalist nations

like America can expand and can be self-sustaining while other countries the

dependent ones like Nigeria can do this only as a reflection of expansion which can

have either a negative or positive effect on their immediate development. His basic

assumption is that there is a dialectical relationship between development and

underdevelopment. In other words according to Andre Frank [1975] “development

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and underdevelopment are two different sides of a universal historical process”. To

him what causes underdevelopment in third world is as a result of what brought

about development in Europe and America.

This dependency refers to the unequal relationship between the centre which refers

to the technological advanced countries of the world and the periphery which refers

to the third world countries. Also when looking at this theoretical framework we

talk about the centre of the centre which refers to the ruling class of the industrial

nations while Centre of the periphery refers to the ruling class of the developing

countries like Nigeria; periphery of the centre refers to the masses class of the

industrialized countries while the periphery of the periphery refers to the masses

class of the developing country. This relationship where the center of the developed

countries dictates the terms of their co-existence economically socially and

politically is an exploitative and vertical relationship between the center of the

centre and the centre of the periphery. In this regard the periphery is subordinate to

the centre as the centre is assigned the role of manufacturing industrial products

while the periphery produces primary goods [raw materials] and needed resources.

Consequently the periphery now depends on the centre for her economic survival

thus the justification and consumption of the theory proved the truth.

I prefer this theory of the dependency because it illustrates the exploitative

tendency of the developed countries against the less developed countries [LDC]

which led to their underdevelopment.

The new form of internationalism accompanied by economic and technological

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communication network has led to developing countries especially the poor and

corrupt ones swallowing hook line and sinker all ideas and concepts associated

with what is now called globalization. In so doing they obey the rhythms of

international capitalism and its institutions with their attendant consequences.

Devastating competition is the hallmark and the motive force of capitalism whose

philosophy is encapsulated in the nation that we live in a “world of win-lose

competition between the leading economies” [Kingman 1997: 10] where developing

nation states like Nigeria out of sheer lack of will morality ethics and rule of law

condone corruption and underdevelopment. Developing countries wallowing in

corruption dance to and obey the discordant tunes of the Bretton Woods’

institutions-the International Monetary Fund [IMF] the International Bank

For Reconstruction and Development [the World Bank] and International Finance

Corporation [IFC] which are more often than not the sole intelligent planner for

these economies. Hence holding the stick and carrot they kill or make “the key

economic policy of the new world of globalization democracy and market

economy” [El-Rufai Nasir 2003: 41]. Some have argued that privatization is

predicated on the following principles. Firstly in promoting private sector and

liberalized market economy the government is divested of any kind of business and

competition with its citizens because as El-Rufai explained “when government

owns nobody owns and when nobody owns nobody cares”. Yet this is only

feasible when the government decides to abdicate her responsibility and sovereignty.

From the Socratic period through the renaissance to the contemporary times

government or social contract is built on trust that the sovereign allocates and

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reallocates resources to bridge the yawning gap that would otherwise be created

through competition and disparity in expertise skill and opportunities. But in

Nigeria for instance corruption has pushed the so-called private sector to seek to

maximize its own value at the expense of the economic empowerment and integrity

of the common man. An example is the modus operandi of large scale corruption by

the government in Nigeria. The government would announce the importation of fuel

say at three trillion naira when in actual fact; the barrels of fuel were imported at

two trillion ripping off one trillion naira. In selling the fuel to the independent

marketers the government increases its fraudulent three trillion naira. The

independent marketers then turn round to distribute the cost at three trillion naira

plus their profit and that of value added tax tot eh public and effective users of

petrol. With these fraudulent chains by which the corrupt government gets the

essential commodity [fuel] down to the ordinary man in the street she rips off the

public hundred percent of the cost price of the good [petroleum commodity] before

the independent marketers rip off the public again some fifty percent of the

government’s fraud. In this cyclic corrupt chain the individual as a motorist or a

commuter suffers various disabilities depending on social location within the

society. The system as we have graphically seen is a situation where the sovereign

[or the state] sends corruption instead of good life down to the public. Hence the

state in the case of Nigeria has contradicted its existence and could justifiably

relinquish its existence in business and service to the public to the private sector

participation that would be more corrupt.

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• Hypotheses

For the purpose of guidance and in order to achieve the statements of problems and

the objectives of this study the researcher has proposed the following hypotheses:

• Corruption is responsible for Nigeria’s underdevelopment

• There is a close link between external factors and the persistence of

corruption in Nigeria.

• Deregulation is capable of curbing the menace of corruption and engendering

development in Nigeria.

• Methods of Data Collection and Analysis

In this study we adopted the use of secondary sources of data as the main

method of data collection. The use of the secondary sources of data is justified due

to its intrinsic values. For any research to be meaningful reliable and scientific facts

and ideas must be supplemented with empiricism.

Secondary materials like text books newspapers magazines government

publications research papers journal etc. were seriously put into use.

• Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of the research is limited to the relationship between corruption and

underdevelopment in Nigeria.

This research work like virtually everything done by man has its limitations. This

was largely because of the insufficient time.

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Secondly there were too many data to manage as the library that was consulted for

example does not have sufficient current phenomenon of corruption and

underdevelopment has elicited a plethora of literature from scholars and analysts in

the field of social sciences and political science in particular. Also lack of sufficient

fund on the part of the researcher is another limitation because lack of fund made it

possible for the researcher to purchase new materials and makes it possible to make

required tours to the various sources of information.Time too was another constraint.

The duration of time given to the researcher to carry out the research work was too

short as the researcher has other academic commitments pursue too. So the time

pressure affected the scope of the work.

• Definition of Terms

Corruption according to encyclopedia Americana is a general term for the misuse

of public officer or position of trust for private grains.

Claude Ake [1981:2] in his book “Political Economy of Africa “ sees corruption to

be existing in capitalist and class societies because of the prevalence of private

property and scarcity which the capitalists state generate.

Underdevelopment: this means economic backwardness which results from the

inability of a country to deal with its environmental the underdevelopment is

characterized by lack of indigenous industry inadequate production of food

unscientific agriculture underdevelopment is not absence of development but it

makes sense only as a way of comparing levels of development. Underdevelopment

is very much tied to the fact human social development has been uneven and from a

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strictly economic view part some human groups have advanced further by producing

more and becoming wealthier.

Capitalist Countries: these are western allied nations that situate in Europe and

North America and have colonies in African and other third world countries.

Capitalism: a system of production in Nigeria where individuals owns both the

factors and means of production.

Siphoning: It is the act of removing money from one place to another especially

dishonestly or illegally.

Corrupt practices: These are practices that are opposite to the formal way or

method of carrying something out. Comprador bourgeoisie: These are Nigerian

who perpetuates corruption in Nigeria.

Bribery: It refers to the act or practices of offering or taking bribes. It is the crime of

elaborately using improper influence on public officials so as to win some

advantage eg. The award of a contract- chambers 21


century dictionary.

Dependency: Reliance and relying on somebody or something like Nigeria does on

the westerns which is one of the causes of corruption.

Bourgeoisie: These are the individual that own and control the means of

production that was achieved with the help of the comprador in exploiting the


Loans: these are aid given to less developed nation or countries (LDCs) .

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Power; it is the ability to make people (or things) do what they would not

otherwise have done. It could come or applied in a manipulative coercive forceful

or persuasive way. It s disobedience may lead to punishments.

Colonialism: the policy and practices of a strong power extending it control

territorially over a weaker nation or people.

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Rodney W. (1972). How Europe underdeveloped Africa London: Bogle

Fanon f. (1961). The wretched of the Earth England: Penguim Books.

Aka C. (1981). A political Economy of Africa Nigeria: Longman.

Offiong D. A. (1980). Imperialism and Dependency Enugu: (4


Edition) Publishers.

Ebenezer B. (1986). The Socialist Alternative Benin City: Evans Publishers Ltd.

Achebe Chinua (1983). The Trouble with Nigeria Enugu: (4


Edition) Publishers.

FRN (2004) Anti Corruption Law of Federal Republic of Nigeri. Lagos: Daily Times

Okadigbo C. (1997) Power and Leadership in Nigeria Enugu:



Edition)Publishing Co. Ltd.

Dos Santos. (1970) “The Structure of Dependencies”. America Economic Review

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    NGN 3,000
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